All values will be masked with*. You can check show values to see the actual field values. It is implemented as a security measure.
If you face any problem during the registration process, you can Contact Marg dedicated helpline at 011-30969691 or J&K Bank at 1800 890 2122 .
Step 1: Navigate to 'Online Banking' tab and select 'J&K Bank Registration'.
Step 2: Enter the admin details in the window appeared. The Mobile number and E-mail would be verified with OTP. This will be used later to send an OTP in case of any system change or security related transactions. This may or may not be the same email id and mobile number which you have used while registering with the bank.
Click on 'Add' button to register a new bank account. Select the J&K Bank account number you want to register from the given drop down. Account number will get automatically updated from the Bank account ledger. Only J&K Bank accounts configured in Bank ledger will appear in the registration list.
Now the user will go back to the Marg ERP J&K Bank registration page and click on the save button. A message will appear "Registration has been successful".