This proficient mobile application is designed for Chemists, Pharmacists and Medical Stores.
You can get complete information of 3 Lakh+ medicines & Drugs; their salts, composition, substitutes & their manufacturing company details along with its price.
This app makes it easier for you to get it from the nearest supplier on the basis of the selected location.
Retail chemists can utilise this app to search for medicines/ drugs they want to know more about. Also, they can get the information of distributors/ manufacturers for any particular medicine whenever it goes out-of-stock in their store.
Distributors & wholesalers can create their profile mentioning the products they are dealing in so the chemists’ could reach them whenever required. This information can be filled from
Manufacturers can feed their information with the list of products/ medicines/ drugs they manufacture along with their salt compositions and distributors’ information so that chemists can reach them whenever they have any requirement. This information can be filled from
Get complete information of 3 Lakh+ medicines/ drugs anytime anywhere. Our customers base of 1 Million users helps us in increasing this database continuously.
This healthcare helpline displays all the substitutes of the medicines you search. The substitutes shown will be sorted on the basis of strength, unit and MRP of the item. For example, if the user searches for a 50mg tablet, the helpline will show all the 50mg tablets with the same composition. Similar is the case with syrups, capsules etc. These substitutes may be 50-90% cheaper than what you’re searching.
Users can also get the Information of salts, their composition and how it works with expert's advice.
Users can identify side effects of all medicines, if any, for a particular state of the patient like pregnancy, diabetic etc.