Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds: Investing in accordance with Islamic Principles

Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds: Investing in accordance with Islamic Principles

Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds: Investing with Faith and Values

Investing is not just about making money. For many individuals, it is about aligning their investments with their values and beliefs. This is where Shariah compliant mutual funds come in. In this blog post, we will explore what Shariah compliant mutual funds are, how they work, and their benefits.

What are Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds?

Shariah compliant mutual funds are investment funds that follow the principles of Islamic finance. These principles are based on the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith, which prohibit investments in certain industries such as alcohol, gambling, and pornography. Shariah compliant mutual funds also follow ethical and moral principles such as fairness, justice, and transparency.

How do Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds Work?

Shariah compliant mutual funds are structured in a way that complies with Islamic finance principles. This means that the funds invest in companies that are Shariah compliant, and the investments are made in a manner that adheres to Islamic finance principles. For example, investments in debt-based instruments are avoided, and instead, the funds invest in equity-based instruments.

To ensure compliance with Islamic finance principles, Shariah compliant mutual funds have a Shariah supervisory board that oversees the fund’s operations. The board comprises Islamic scholars who provide guidance on investments and ensure that the fund’s investments are Shariah compliant.

Benefits of Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds

  1. Aligns with your values: For individuals who want to invest in accordance with their faith and values, Shariah compliant mutual funds provide an option to do so.
  2. Diversification: Shariah compliant mutual funds invest in a variety of industries and companies, which provides investors with diversification.
  3. Potential for good returns: Shariah compliant mutual funds have the potential to generate good returns, just like conventional mutual funds.
  4. Low-risk investments: Shariah compliant mutual funds avoid investments in high-risk industries, such as gambling and alcohol, which can make them less risky than conventional mutual funds.

Why are Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds gaining popularity?

In recent years, Shariah compliant mutual funds have gained popularity among investors, both Muslims and non-Muslims. One reason for this is the increased awareness and demand for socially responsible investments. Investors are looking for investments that align with their values and beliefs, and Shariah compliant mutual funds provide such an option.

Another reason for the popularity of Shariah compliant mutual funds is the growing Muslim population worldwide. The Muslim population is expected to reach 2.2 billion by 2030, and with a younger demographic, there is a growing demand for investments that are Shariah compliant.

Additionally, the performance of Shariah compliant mutual funds has been competitive with conventional mutual funds. In fact, some studies have shown that Shariah compliant mutual funds have outperformed their conventional counterparts in certain periods.

Are there any limitations to investing in Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds?

While investing in Shariah compliant mutual funds may align with an investor’s values and beliefs, there are limitations to consider. For one, Shariah compliant mutual funds have a more limited investment universe than conventional mutual funds since they avoid certain industries, such as alcohol and gambling.

Additionally, the screening process used by Shariah supervisory boards can be subjective and may vary from board to board. This can lead to differences in which companies are deemed Shariah compliant and which are not.

Lastly, like all mutual funds, Shariah compliant mutual funds come with fees and expenses that can eat into an investor’s returns. It is essential to understand the fees and expenses associated with a mutual fund before investing.


Shariah compliant mutual funds offer an opportunity for investors to invest in accordance with their faith and values. These funds are gaining popularity due to increased demand for socially responsible investments, the growing Muslim population, and competitive performance. However, investors should also consider the limitations of investing in these funds, including a limited investment universe, subjective screening processes, and fees and expenses. As with all investments, investors should do their due diligence before investing in Shariah compliant mutual funds.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the difference between Shariah compliant mutual funds and conventional mutual funds?

Shariah compliant mutual funds follow Islamic finance principles, which prohibit investments in certain industries, such as alcohol and gambling. Conventional mutual funds do not follow these principles.

  1. How are investments in Shariah compliant mutual funds screened for compliance?

Shariah supervisory boards oversee the funds’ operations and ensure that investments comply with Islamic finance principles. They use screening criteria to determine if a company is Shariah compliant or not.

  1. Are Shariah compliant mutual funds only for Muslims?

No, anyone can invest in Shariah compliant mutual funds. These funds may appeal to investors who want to align their investments with their values and beliefs.

  1. How are returns generated in Shariah compliant mutual funds?

Returns are generated through the appreciation of the fund’s investments and income from dividends, rental income, and other sources.

  1. Are there any risks associated with investing in Shariah compliant mutual funds?

Like all mutual funds, there are risks associated with investing in Shariah compliant mutual funds, including market risk, liquidity risk, and currency risk.

  1. How do I know if a mutual fund is Shariah compliant?

You can look for a certification from a reputable Shariah supervisory board or consult with a financial advisor who specializes in Shariah compliant investments.

  1. Can I invest in both conventional and Shariah compliant mutual funds?

Yes, investors can diversify their investments by investing in both conventional and Shariah compliant mutual funds.

  1. Are there any tax implications of investing in Shariah compliant mutual funds?

Investors should consult with a tax advisor to understand any potential tax implications of investing in mutual funds.

  1. How do I compare the performance of Shariah compliant mutual funds to conventional mutual funds?

Investors can compare the performance of Shariah compliant mutual funds to conventional mutual funds using metrics such as returns, volatility, and expense ratios.

  1. What are some examples of industries that Shariah compliant mutual funds avoid investing in?

Shariah compliant mutual funds avoid investing in industries such as alcohol, gambling, pornography, and conventional finance.

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