Write for us
You can write for us and share your content with us. You can share article (minimum 1200 words) on trending topics related to finances, accounts, inventory etc. along with a summary in one or two paragraphs of your write up explain why your article is unique and should be published. Based on your submitted write-ups, we will decide whether to publish on our website or not. Remember that we online accept original content. We do not publish any content that has already been published elsewhere (including your blog).
What do you need to have to become our Guest Contributor?
We are always willing to provide opportunities to the new budding authors. So, if you are confident about your skills and have sound knowledge of Education, Finance, Accounts, Investments, Taxes and the related fields. If you wish to enlighten our readers and contribute your knowledge in helping the financial community to grow & prosperous. If you want to enrich our readers with your innovative ideas and approach then this is the platform for you. We happily welcome you to write for us and submit your guest post.
Guest Posts Guidelines: –
We have simple guidelines for Guest Post mentioned below:
- As a guest contributor, you are welcome to write for us. But remember your article should be unique & high quality.
- The content shared with us should be 100% unique and should be published anywhere else before or after submitting to us.
- Only the article having relevance with our theme are eligible for posting.
- Make sure the content is 1200- 2500 words long.
- The article must be creatives with a different perspective & vision
Note: We promote sharing. Once your submitted article is posted on our site, you can share the post on your social platforms.
Before writing for us or sharing your content with us please ensure that your work adheres to our criteria. Your content should be relevant to our website & categories like:
- Accounting, Finance
- Insurance
- Government Plans & Schemes
- Tax Planning, Income Tax
- Investments, Money savings
- Mutual Funds, SIP
- Loans, Credit cards
How to Submit:
You can submit your article with subject Guest Post On Margerp and at sourav.s@margerp.biz
We will take 1-7 working days time to provide you with the feedback.
*We reserve the right to Change, Edit, Add or Delete any Word/ Content/ Paragraph from the guest post content to adhere to the company standards & policy. No claim after posting will be answerable.*