Trademark Class 10: Everything You Need to Know

Trademark Class 10

Trademark Class 10: Medical and Surgical Instruments

Trademark registration is an important process for businesses to protect their brand identity. The trademark classification system, known as the Nice Classification, groups goods and services into 45 different classes. Class 10 is reserved for medical and surgical instruments. In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about Trademark Class 10.

Overview of Trademark Class 10

Trademark Class 10 includes a wide range of medical and surgical instruments, including surgical and dental instruments, medical apparatus and instruments for use in diagnosis, as well as orthopedic apparatus and instruments. This class also includes hearing aids, artificial limbs, and other prosthetic devices.

Goods Covered by Trademark Class 10

The following are some of the goods that fall under Trademark Class 10:

  1. Surgical and medical instruments, apparatus and devices
  2. Diagnostic apparatus and instruments for medical purposes
  3. Medical imaging apparatus and instruments
  4. Medical lasers and their parts and fittings
  5. Orthopedic articles and instruments, such as crutches, surgical belts, and artificial limbs
  6. Dental instruments and devices, such as drills, forceps, and syringes
  7. Hearing aids and other auditory apparatus
  8. Massage apparatus
  9. Medical ventilators and oxygen concentrators
  10. Medical simulators for training purposes

Goods Not Covered by Trademark Class 10

While Trademark Class 10 covers a wide range of medical and surgical instruments, it does not cover all medical devices or apparatus. The following goods are not covered by this class and fall under different classes:

  1. Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments for artificial respiration (Class 11)
  2. Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments for contraception and family planning (Class 9)
  3. Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments for measuring blood pressure (Class 9)
  4. Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments for telemedicine (Class 9)
  5. Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments for physical exercise (Class 28)

Trademark Registration for Class 10

If you are a business owner dealing with medical and surgical instruments or any of the other goods mentioned in Trademark Class 10, it is crucial to register your trademark under this class. This ensures that your brand identity is protected and that other businesses cannot use or infringe upon your trademark.

To register your trademark under Class 10, you must provide a clear and accurate description of the goods or services you wish to protect. This should include details such as the name and purpose of the product, as well as any distinguishing features or characteristics.

Advantages of Trademark Registration under Class 10

Registering your trademark under Class 10 provides several advantages for your business. Some of the benefits are:

  1. Legal Protection: Registering your trademark under Class 10 provides legal protection for your brand identity. It enables you to take legal action against any person or business that infringes on your trademark rights.
  2. Prevents confusion among consumers: When your trademark is registered under Class 10, it helps to avoid any confusion among consumers regarding the origin of the goods. It ensures that consumers associate your products with your brand identity, which helps to build your brand image.
  3. Brand Recognition: Trademark registration under Class 10 helps in building brand recognition. It enables your business to create a distinct brand identity, which can help to attract more customers.
  4. Business Expansion: Registering your trademark under Class 10 can also help your business to expand into other countries. It enables you to protect your trademark rights in different countries, which is crucial if you are planning to expand your business globally.

Trademark Renewal and Maintenance

Trademark registration under Class 10 is valid for ten years from the date of registration. After ten years, you will need to renew your trademark registration to continue enjoying trademark protection. Failure to renew your trademark can result in the loss of your trademark rights.

Trademark maintenance is also essential to protect your trademark rights. You should monitor your trademark to ensure that no one is infringing on your trademark rights. If you find any infringement, you should take immediate legal action to protect your trademark rights.


Trademark Class 10 covers a wide range of medical and surgical instruments, and registering your trademark under this class is essential if you are a business owner dealing with such goods. It provides legal protection for your brand identity, prevents confusion among consumers, and helps to build brand recognition. Renewing your trademark registration and maintaining your trademark is also crucial to ensure continued protection of your trademark rights. By understanding the benefits and requirements of trademark registration under Class 10, you can protect your business and your brand identity.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is Trademark Class 10?

Trademark Class 10 is a classification system used to group goods and services related to medical and surgical instruments, including surgical and dental instruments, medical apparatus and instruments for use in diagnosis, as well as orthopedic apparatus and instruments.

  1. What are the benefits of registering a trademark under Class 10?

Registering a trademark under Class 10 provides legal protection, prevents confusion among consumers, helps build brand recognition, and allows businesses to expand globally.

  1. What goods fall under Trademark Class 10?

Goods that fall under Trademark Class 10 include surgical and medical instruments, diagnostic apparatus, medical imaging apparatus, orthopedic articles and instruments, dental instruments and devices, hearing aids, and massage apparatus, among others.

  1. What goods are not covered by Trademark Class 10?

Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments for artificial respiration, contraception, measuring blood pressure, telemedicine, and physical exercise are not covered by Trademark Class 10.

  1. Can I register a trademark for multiple classes?

Yes, you can register a trademark for multiple classes. This is known as a multi-class trademark registration.

  1. How long does a trademark registration last?

A trademark registration is valid for ten years from the date of registration. After ten years, it must be renewed to continue enjoying trademark protection.

  1. What is the process for registering a trademark under Class 10?

To register a trademark under Class 10, you must provide a clear and accurate description of the goods or services you wish to protect. This should include details such as the name and purpose of the product, as well as any distinguishing features or characteristics.

  1. What happens if someone infringes on my trademark rights?

If someone infringes on your trademark rights, you can take legal action against them. This can include seeking an injunction to stop the infringing activity, as well as damages to compensate you for any harm caused.

  1. Can I protect my trademark rights internationally?

Yes, you can protect your trademark rights internationally by registering your trademark in each country where you wish to do business. This is known as international trademark registration.

  1. What is the importance of trademark maintenance?

Trademark maintenance is essential to protect your trademark rights. You should monitor your trademark to ensure that no one is infringing on your trademark rights. If you find any infringement, you should take immediate legal action to protect your trademark rights.

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