Trademark Class 8: All You Need to Know About Hand Tools and Implements

Trademark Class 8

Trademark Class 8: A Guide to Hand Tools and Implements

When it comes to protecting your brand, trademark registration is a vital step. Registering your trademark helps you to establish legal ownership of your brand and prevents others from using similar trademarks. However, to ensure that your trademark is properly protected, you must register it under the right class of goods and services. In this blog, we will discuss Trademark Class 8, which includes hand tools and implements.

Overview of Trademark Class 8

Trademark Class 8 is a class of goods under the Nice Classification system. This class includes hand tools and implements used for various purposes, such as cutting, drilling, shaping, and fastening. Some of the goods covered under this class are knives, scissors, saws, hand-operated tools, and garden tools.

Goods Covered under Trademark Class 8

The following are some of the goods covered under Trademark Class 8:

  1. Hand-operated tools and implements for woodworking, gardening, and agriculture, such as axes, hoes, spades, shovels, and pruning shears.
  2. Hand-operated cutting tools, such as scissors, knives, and razors.
  3. Hand-operated hand tools, such as pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers, and hammers.
  4. Hand-operated tools and implements for construction and repair, such as saws, chisels, drills, and planes.
  5. Hand-operated tools and implements for textile and leatherworking, such as scissors, knives, and punches.
  6. Hand-operated tools and implements for food preparation, such as knives, forks, and spoons.
  7. Razors, electric or non-electric.
  8. Clipping machines, electric or non-electric, for animals.

Why is it important to register your trademark under the right class?

It is crucial to register your trademark under the right class to ensure that it is protected for the goods and services you offer. If you register your trademark under the wrong class, it may not be protected for the goods and services you actually provide. This means that your trademark could be vulnerable to infringement or misuse by others, which could result in loss of revenue and damage to your brand’s reputation.

Benefits of Registering your Trademark under Class 8

There are several benefits of registering your trademark under Class 8. Firstly, it provides legal protection to your brand, preventing others from using a similar trademark for the same goods or services. This protection extends to both the name and logo associated with your brand.

Secondly, registering your trademark under Class 8 helps to establish brand recognition and value. Consumers associate specific hand tools and implements with particular brands, and registering your trademark ensures that your brand is visible in the marketplace.

Thirdly, registering your trademark under Class 8 enables you to take legal action against infringers. In case someone uses your trademark without permission or authorization, you can take legal action and seek compensation for damages.

How to Register your Trademark under Class 8

To register your trademark under Class 8, you must file a trademark application with the relevant trademark office in your country. The application must include your trademark name and logo, as well as a detailed description of the goods or services associated with your trademark. You may also need to provide evidence of use of the trademark if you have been using it in commerce.

Once your trademark application is filed, it undergoes an examination process to ensure that it meets all the necessary legal requirements. This process typically takes a few months, and if your application is approved, your trademark will be registered under Class 8.


In conclusion, registering your trademark under Class 8 provides vital protection to your brand and establishes your legal ownership over it. By ensuring that your trademark is properly registered under the right class, you can safeguard your brand’s identity, reputation, and value. If you have a business that deals with hand tools and implements, make sure to register your trademark under Class 8 and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What types of goods are covered under Trademark Class 8?

Trademark Class 8 covers a wide range of hand tools and implements used for various purposes, such as cutting, drilling, shaping, and fastening. Some of the goods covered under this class are knives, scissors, saws, hand-operated tools, and garden tools.

  1. Do I need to register my trademark under Class 8 if I only use it for personal purposes?

No, you do not need to register your trademark under Class 8 if you use it only for personal purposes. Trademark registration is only necessary if you use your trademark in commerce, i.e., if you use it to sell goods or services.

  1. Can I register my trademark under more than one class?

Yes, you can register your trademark under multiple classes if your business offers goods or services that fall under different classes. However, you will need to file a separate application for each class.

  1. How long does it take to register a trademark under Class 8?

The time it takes to register a trademark under Class 8 varies depending on the country you are in. However, it typically takes a few months for the trademark application to be examined and approved.

  1. What happens if my trademark application is rejected under Class 8?

If your trademark application is rejected under Class 8, you will receive a notice of refusal, which outlines the reasons for the rejection. You may then have the option to amend your application or appeal the decision.

  1. Can I use a trademark that is already registered under Class 8?

No, you cannot use a trademark that is already registered under Class 8 for the same or similar goods or services. Doing so would infringe on the existing trademark’s rights and could result in legal action.

  1. Do I need to have a lawyer to register my trademark under Class 8?

No, you do not need a lawyer to register your trademark under Class 8. However, it is recommended that you seek legal advice to ensure that your trademark is properly protected and registered.

  1. Can I register a trademark under Class 8 if I am not a business owner?

Yes, you can register a trademark under Class 8 even if you are not a business owner. If you use a trademark to sell goods or services, you can register it to protect your legal ownership of the brand.

  1. Do I need to renew my trademark registration under Class 8?

Yes, you need to renew your trademark registration under Class 8 periodically. The renewal period varies depending on the country, but it is typically every 10 years.

  1. Can I register a trademark under Class 8 for a product that has not yet been launched in the market?

Yes, you can register a trademark under Class 8 for a product that has not yet been launched in the market. However, you will need to provide evidence that you intend to use the trademark in commerce.

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