Order Driven Market: Mechanics, Key Features, and FAQs

order driven market

Order Driven Market: Understanding the Basics

The financial market operates through a variety of trading mechanisms, one of which is the order driven market. In an order driven market, the matching of buy and sell orders is done electronically, without any human intervention. In this blog, we will discuss the basic concepts of an order driven market.

What is an Order Driven Market?

An order driven market is a type of financial market where the trading activity is regulated by the order book. The order book consists of all the outstanding buy and sell orders for a particular financial instrument. The market price is determined based on the highest bid and the lowest ask price available in the order book.

How Does an Order Driven Market Work?

In an order driven market, the buyers and sellers submit their orders electronically through a trading platform. The orders are then matched based on their price and time priority. The order book displays all the buy and sell orders that have been submitted by the participants. The buy orders are sorted by price, with the highest bid displayed at the top, and the sell orders are sorted by price, with the lowest ask displayed at the top.

When a buy order matches a sell order, a trade is executed. The trade price is determined by the price of the best available matching order in the order book. If there are multiple matching orders available, the trade is executed at the price of the earliest matching order.

Advantages of an Order Driven Market

One of the main advantages of an order driven market is that it provides transparency and fair pricing. The prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand, with all the orders displayed in the order book. This allows traders to make informed decisions based on market information.

Another advantage is that it allows for a large number of participants to trade in the market, creating a more liquid market. The order book allows for participants to submit orders at any time, even outside of the regular trading hours. This means that the market is open 24/7, allowing for global participation.

Disadvantages of an Order Driven Market

One of the main disadvantages of an order driven market is that it can lead to a high level of volatility. The prices can change rapidly as the orders in the order book are filled, leading to sudden price movements.

Another disadvantage is that it can lead to market manipulation. Large market participants can place orders to manipulate the market, creating false demand or supply to influence the price of the financial instrument.

Order Driven Market: Mechanics and Key Features

An order driven market, also known as a limit order market, operates on the basis of an order book which contains all the outstanding buy and sell orders for a particular financial instrument. The market price is determined by the highest bid and lowest ask price available in the order book. In this section, we will discuss the mechanics and key features of an order driven market.

Mechanics of an Order Driven Market

In an order driven market, all the buy and sell orders are entered into a computer system and ranked based on price and time priority. The order book displays all the outstanding buy and sell orders for a particular financial instrument. The highest bid and the lowest ask price available in the order book determine the market price. When a buy order matches a sell order, a trade is executed, and the market price moves to the next available bid or ask price.

Key Features of an Order Driven Market

  1. Transparency: In an order driven market, all the buy and sell orders are displayed in the order book. This provides transparency and enables market participants to make informed decisions based on market information.
  2. Fair pricing: The market price in an order driven market is determined by the forces of supply and demand. The highest bid and the lowest ask price available in the order book determine the market price. This ensures fair pricing for all market participants.
  3. Liquidity: An order driven market allows a large number of participants to trade in the market, creating a more liquid market. The order book allows participants to submit orders at any time, even outside of regular trading hours.
  4. Control: In an order driven market, market participants have control over their orders. They can specify the price at which they want to buy or sell, and the order will only be executed when the price meets their specified price.
  5. Flexibility: An order driven market is flexible and allows participants to customize their orders according to their specific needs. They can place market orders, limit orders, stop orders, and other types of orders depending on their trading strategy.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Order Driven Market


  1. Transparency and fair pricing
  2. High liquidity
  3. Efficient price discovery
  4. Accessible to a large number of participants


  1. High level of volatility
  2. Risk of market manipulation
  3. Limited depth of the order book
  4. Slow execution during periods of high volatility


An order driven market is a type of financial market where trading activity is regulated by the order book. It provides transparency, fair pricing, and high liquidity, making it accessible to a large number of participants. However, it can also lead to a high level of volatility and market manipulation. Understanding the mechanics and key features of an order driven market is important for any trader or investor looking to participate in this type of market.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an order driven market?
An order driven market is a type of financial market where the trading activity is regulated by the order book. The buy and sell orders are matched electronically, without any human intervention.

How does an order driven market work?
In an order driven market, buyers and sellers submit their orders electronically through a trading platform. The orders are then matched based on their price and time priority, with the order book displaying all the outstanding buy and sell orders for a particular financial instrument.

What is an order book?
The order book is a list of all outstanding buy and sell orders for a particular financial instrument in an order driven market. The orders are ranked based on price and time priority.

What is price priority?
Price priority is the ranking of buy and sell orders based on the price at which they are submitted. In an order driven market, the highest bid and the lowest ask price determine the market price.

What is time priority?
Time priority is the ranking of buy and sell orders based on the time at which they are submitted. In an order driven market, the earliest order with a matching price is executed first.

What is the difference between an order driven market and a quote driven market?
In an order driven market, the buy and sell orders are matched electronically based on the order book. In a quote driven market, the market makers provide quotes for buying and selling a financial instrument, and the orders are executed through them.

What are the advantages of an order driven market?
An order driven market provides transparency, fair pricing, high liquidity, and accessible to a large number of participants.

What are the disadvantages of an order driven market?
An order driven market can lead to a high level of volatility, risk of market manipulation, limited depth of the order book, and slow execution during periods of high volatility.

What types of orders can be placed in an order driven market?
Market orders, limit orders, stop orders, and other types of orders can be placed in an order driven market, depending on the trader’s strategy.

Who participates in an order driven market?
Individual traders, institutional investors, market makers, and other financial institutions participate in an order driven market. It is open to anyone who wants to trade in the financial markets.

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