Understanding Platykurtic Distribution: Definition, Examples, and Applications

Understanding Platykurtic Distribution: Definition, Examples, and Applications

Platykurtic: Understanding the Flattened Normal Distribution

When we think of a normal distribution, we often imagine a bell-shaped curve with most of the data clustered around the mean. However, not all normal distributions are created equal. Some may have a higher peak, while others may be flatter. In this blog post, we’ll explore one of the less commonly discussed normal distributions: the platykurtic distribution.

What is Platykurtic?

The term “platykurtic” comes from the Greek words “platys” meaning flat and “kurtos” meaning curve. In statistics, a platykurtic distribution is a type of normal distribution where the peak of the curve is lower and broader than that of a standard normal distribution. Put simply, it’s a flatter version of the normal distribution.

How to Identify a Platykurtic Distribution?

A platykurtic distribution can be identified by its kurtosis value, which measures the “peakedness” of a distribution. A normal distribution has a kurtosis value of 3, while a platykurtic distribution has a kurtosis value less than 3. In fact, a platykurtic distribution has a kurtosis value less than 0, indicating that the tails of the distribution are shorter and fatter than those of a normal distribution.

Example of a Platykurtic Distribution:

To better understand what a platykurtic distribution looks like, let’s take a look at an example. Imagine that we have a dataset of the weights of 100 people. If we were to plot a histogram of the data, we might expect to see a bell-shaped curve. However, if the kurtosis value of the distribution is less than 3, we would be looking at a platykurtic distribution.

Applications of Platykurtic Distributions:

Platykurtic distributions can be found in many real-world applications. For example, in finance, stock returns are often distributed in a platykurtic manner. This means that the extreme values (both positive and negative) are more likely to occur than in a normal distribution. In biology, the size distributions of populations are often platykurtic. For instance, the body size of plants or animals may be distributed in a platykurtic manner.

Properties of Platykurtic Distributions:

Platykurtic distributions have some unique properties compared to other types of distributions. Here are some of the key properties of platykurtic distributions:

  1. Flatter Peak: Platykurtic distributions have a flatter and wider peak than normal distributions. This means that the data is more spread out around the mean, and there is less clustering near the center.
  2. Shorter and Fatter Tails: Platykurtic distributions have shorter and fatter tails than normal distributions. This means that extreme values are more likely to occur than in a normal distribution.
  3. Low Kurtosis Value: The kurtosis value of a platykurtic distribution is less than 3. In fact, it is typically less than 0, which indicates that the tails are much shorter and fatter than a normal distribution.
  4. Skewness: Platykurtic distributions may also exhibit skewness, which is a measure of asymmetry in the distribution. Skewness can be positive or negative, indicating whether the tail is longer on the left or right side of the curve.

Advantages and Limitations of Platykurtic Distributions:

Platykurtic distributions have some advantages and limitations that are worth considering. Here are some of the advantages and limitations of platykurtic distributions:


  1. Better Capturing of Extreme Events: Platykurtic distributions are better suited for modeling rare events than normal distributions. This is because the tails of a platykurtic distribution are shorter and fatter than a normal distribution, making extreme events more likely.
  2. More Robust to Outliers: Platykurtic distributions are less sensitive to outliers than other types of distributions. This is because the tails of the distribution are shorter and fatter, making it more difficult for outliers to have a significant impact on the overall shape of the distribution.


  1. Reduced Information: Platykurtic distributions have a flatter peak and shorter tails, which means that they contain less information than other types of distributions. This can make it more difficult to estimate parameters and make accurate predictions.
  2. Non-Normality Assumption: Platykurtic distributions assume a non-normal shape, which may not always be appropriate for the data being analyzed. This can lead to biases in the analysis if the data does not conform to a platykurtic shape.


In conclusion, platykurtic distributions are a type of normal distribution with a flatter and wider peak and shorter and fatter tails than a standard normal distribution. They are useful for modeling rare events and are less sensitive to outliers than other types of distributions. However, they contain less information and assume a non-normal shape, which may not always be appropriate for the data being analyzed. As with any statistical model, it’s important to carefully consider the assumptions and limitations of platykurtic distributions before using them for analysis.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a platykurtic distribution?
A platykurtic distribution is a statistical term used to describe a normal distribution with a flatter and wider peak and shorter and fatter tails than a standard normal distribution.

How is a platykurtic distribution different from a normal distribution?
A platykurtic distribution is a type of normal distribution that has a flatter and wider peak and shorter and fatter tails than a standard normal distribution. This means that the data is more spread out around the mean, and there is less clustering near the center.

What are some examples of platykurtic distributions?
Some examples of platykurtic distributions include the uniform distribution, Laplace distribution, and t-distribution with a small number of degrees of freedom.

What is the kurtosis value of a platykurtic distribution?
The kurtosis value of a platykurtic distribution is less than 3, and it is typically less than 0, indicating that the tails are much shorter and fatter than a normal distribution.

What is the skewness of a platykurtic distribution?
A platykurtic distribution may exhibit skewness, which is a measure of asymmetry in the distribution. Skewness can be positive or negative, indicating whether the tail is longer on the left or right side of the curve.

What are some advantages of using a platykurtic distribution?
Some advantages of using a platykurtic distribution include better capturing of extreme events and being more robust to outliers than other types of distributions.

What are some limitations of using a platykurtic distribution?
Some limitations of using a platykurtic distribution include reduced information and assuming a non-normal shape, which may not always be appropriate for the data being analyzed.

How can a platykurtic distribution be useful in data analysis?
A platykurtic distribution can be useful in data analysis for modeling rare events and for situations where the data contains outliers.

How can I determine if my data follows a platykurtic distribution?
You can determine if your data follows a platykurtic distribution by examining the shape of the distribution and calculating the kurtosis value. If the kurtosis value is less than 3, and the distribution has a flatter peak and shorter tails, it may be a platykurtic distribution.

Can a platykurtic distribution be transformed into a normal distribution?
Yes, a platykurtic distribution can be transformed into a normal distribution by applying a suitable transformation such as a log transformation or a Box-Cox transformation. However, it is important to note that transforming the distribution may also impact the interpretation of the data.

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