Understanding NCB in Bike Insurance: A Key to Cost Savings and Policy Benefits

Understanding No Claim Bonus in Bike Insurance: Maximizing Your Benefits

When it comes to securing our prized possessions, such as our beloved two-wheelers, insurance plays a crucial role in providing financial protection against unforeseen events. In the realm of bike insurance, one term that often crops up is “NCB” or No Claim Bonus. NCB is a significant aspect of insurance policies that can lead to substantial cost savings and policy benefits. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the concept of NCB in bike insurance, its importance, and how it can work to your advantage.

Table of Contents

What is NCB?

NCB, short for the No Claim Bonus, is a reward or discount offered by insurance companies to policyholders for not making any claims during the policy term. It serves as an incentive for responsible and cautious riders who maintain a claim-free record. The NCB is a way for insurers to acknowledge and appreciate the policyholder’s adherence to road safety measures and incident prevention.

How does NCB work?

The concept of NCB operates on a simple principle: the longer you go without making any claims, the higher the NCB percentage you can accumulate. It typically ranges from 20% to 50% of the own-damage premium and is applicable at the time of policy renewal. For instance, if you have a bike insurance policy and do not make any claims for a consecutive period of one year, you become eligible for a 20% NCB. This percentage can increase with each subsequent claim-free year, up to a maximum limit set by the insurer.

Benefits of NCB:

Cost Savings: The primary advantage of NCB is the reduction in premium costs. As your NCB percentage increases, so does the discount on your policy renewal premium. This can lead to substantial savings in the long run, especially if you maintain a claim-free record over several years.

Transferable Benefit: NCB is not tied to a specific bike or policyholder. In the event of selling your existing bike and purchasing a new one, you can transfer the accumulated NCB to the new policy. This transferability ensures that you continue to reap the rewards of your responsible riding habits.

Add-On Covers: NCB can also provide leverage when opting for add-on covers or riders. With a higher NCB percentage, insurers may offer additional benefits or enhanced coverage options at discounted rates. This can enhance the overall protection offered by your policy.

Long-term Policy Advantage: Some insurers offer long-term bike insurance policies ranging from two to three years. Opting for such policies not only eliminates the hassle of annual renewals but also enables you to retain your NCB benefits for an extended period. This can result in greater savings and convenience.

Important Considerations: While NCB offers numerous advantages, it is essential to consider a few key points:

Timely Renewals: To avail of the NCB benefits, it is crucial to renew your bike insurance policy on time without any breaks. A lapse in policy renewal can result in the loss of accumulated NCB, and you would have to start from scratch.

NCB Protection Add-On: Some insurers provide an NCB protection add-on cover. This add-on ensures that even if you claim the policy term, your NCB remains intact. Investing in this add-on can safeguard your NCB benefits in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Transfer Procedures: When selling your bike, make sure to follow the proper transfer procedures to ensure a seamless transfer of the accumulated NCB to the new owner or your new bike. Failure to do so can result in the loss of NCB benefits.


No Claim Bonus (NCB) is a valuable feature in bike insurance that rewards responsible riding and claim-free records. It not only helps reduce premium costs but also offers various other benefits such as add-on cover discounts and transferability. As a bike owner, understanding and leveraging NCB can lead to significant cost savings, enhanced policy coverage, and a smoother insurance experience. So, maintain a safe riding record, renew your policy on time, and make the most of the NCB benefits available to you. Stay insured, stay protected!

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Frequently Ask Questions

Q1: What is NCB in bike insurance?
NCB stands for No Claim Bonus. It is a reward or discount offered by insurance companies to policyholders who do not make any claims during the policy term.

Q2: How does NCB work in bike insurance?
NCB operates on the principle that the longer you go without making any claims, the higher the NCB percentage you can accumulate. This percentage is applied as a discount on the own-damage premium during policy renewal.

Q3: How is NCB calculated in bike insurance?
The calculation of NCB varies among insurance companies but typically follows a predetermined scale. The NCB percentage starts at 20% for the first claim-free year and increases with each subsequent claim-free year, up to a maximum limit set by the insurer.

Q4: Can NCB be transferred from one bike insurance policy to another?
Yes, NCB is transferable from one bike insurance policy to another. If you sell your existing bike and purchase a new one, you can transfer the accumulated NCB to the new policy. This ensures that you continue to enjoy the benefits of NCB.

Q5: What are the benefits of NCB in bike insurance?
The benefits of NCB in bike insurance include cost savings in the form of reduced premium rates, eligibility for additional add-on covers or riders at discounted rates, and the convenience of long-term policy advantages.

Q6: Do I lose my NCB if I make a claim?
If you claim the policy term, your NCB may be affected. Depending on the insurance company and the terms of your policy, you may lose a portion or the entire NCB. However, some insurers offer an NCB protection add-on cover, which allows you to retain your NCB even if you make a claim.

Q7: Is NCB applicable to third-party liability insurance?
No, NCB does not apply to third-party liability insurance. It is specifically related to own-damage or comprehensive insurance policies, which provide coverage for damages to your bike in addition to third-party liability coverage.

Q8: Can NCB be transferred to another person?
No, NCB cannot be transferred to another person. It remains tied to the policyholder who earned it. However, it can be transferred from one bike insurance policy to another owned by the same policyholder.

Q9: What happens to NCB if I sell my bike?
If you sell your bike, you can transfer the accumulated NCB to the new owner or your new bike. Proper transfer procedures need to be followed to ensure a seamless transfer and retain the NCB benefits.

Q10: Is NCB applicable only to consecutive claim-free years?
No, NCB can be applicable even if there is a break in insurance coverage, as long as it is within the grace period provided by the insurer. However, it is crucial to renew your policy on time to avoid losing the accumulated NCB.

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