GST-Compliant Retail Software for your Retail Business



Managing a retail chain today can be paralleled to climbing Mount Everest. You need to move carefully, faster and prepare extensively before starting the day. The human touch made it manageable and then technology stepped into the frame. Now, it’s a whole lot easier to handle a retail business with software that automates numerous tasks. Marg ERP offers such a solution that boosts retail business tremendously.

Marg ERP, however, lies on a higher pedestal. Most of the point-of-sale and retail software are limited in features with the same UI and structure repeating over and over again. They are typically used for lightweight accounting and billing. Marg ERP, on the other hand, is highly customizable. You don’t have to mention the customer’s name, ID, date, etc., like contemporary retail software demand. You can modify various fields according to your requirements.

One big attribute of Marg ERP’s retail software is its GST-compliance. Users can list different items with GST rates already included on the MRP (which the user has to import beforehand). You just have to edit the HSN/SAC codes in the menus to enable the use of different rates with concerned commodities. With Marg ERP, GST returns can also be filed by generating a JSON file of the return and uploading it to the official GST portal.

The bulk of the retail functions lie in the Transactions menu, like Sales, Purchase, Replacement Issue, Stock Issue, Sales Order, and more. To create a simple bill, users can choose Bill on the Sales menu. Enter the party details to further create a Retail Invoice Entry.

Once that’s done, users can choose items that a customer has ordered on the retail invoice. On the screen, the item name, quantity, rate, and total amount will be presented. The bill can then be printed for the customer. This is the simplest way to create a retail bill.
The process can be made more advanced with a host of different functions available in the menu. This coincides with the critical needs of retail chains and fast counters, which require mutable constraints. To activate retail billing in Marg ERP, you need to go to Masters, select Setup and click Control Room.

In the Control Room, users can search ‘Retail’ to customize the software for a retail business. In the menu, select ‘Y’ to tailor Marg ERP for a Chemist shop or ‘C’ for normal retail trade. There are more options to choose from, like Default Sales Quantity and Don’t Ask Ledger Name In Retail Billing.

Furthermore, operators can choose credit cards as a mode of payment. This feature is not widely available in other POS software. You can toggle credit card options by searching for them in the Control Room in Masters menu. Handling different currency is not an issue as one can set the recent currency conversion rates in the Setup menu.

Faster billing and transactions can be done through a touchscreen. Marg ERP lets you change the interface to support operation through a touchscreen. Adding items to the invoice is now just a tap away. If you want to add a product manually, you can choose the on-screen keyboard.

The Retail Industry is booming and it needs a one-stop shop that can meet all of its necessities. Marg ERP is the elixir that is able to service these wide needs of the retail industry. To know more about how you can use Marg ERP Retail software for your retail business, visit the website. You can also learn how to use the software with ease by going through the tutorial on the YouTube channel.

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