QRMP Scheme – Know All About Quarterly Return Filing and Monthly Payment of Taxes (QRMP)

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6th January 2021 IFF has been LIVE on the GST portal. Classifying out the B2B documents for IFF reporting, it becomes essential to pass tax credits to taxpayers but may get unmanageable. December 2020 The last date to opt the QRMP scheme for small GST taxpayers was 31st January 2021 for the quarter of Jan-Mar 2021. In this article, let’s understand the following topics:

What is QRMP Scheme?

QRMP as the name defines Quarterly Return Monthly payment scheme where a registered taxpayer will file GSTR 1 as well as GSTR 3B on a quarterly basis (PMT 06) but need to upload their B2B and CDNR monthly under the option of Invoice furnishing Facility (IFF).

QRMP has been crafted to help small taxpayers whose turnover is up to Rs.5 crores.

The quarterly GSTR-3B (QRMP) filing option will be available on the common GST portal from 1st January 2021 onwards. It is clarified that this scheme is optional and can be availed by the taxpayer on the basis of GSTIN.

Who is Eligible for QRMP Scheme?

A registered person whose aggregate turnover is up to Rs 5 crores in the preceding financial year can opt for the QRMP scheme. If the aggregate turnover exceeds Rs 5 crore through any quarter in the current financial year; the same individual shall not be obliged for the QRMP scheme from the next quarter.

And, in the context of this, the next question arises ‘How the govt will indicate the turnover exceeding Rs 5 crore in any quarter? For this, the government has made a provision of IFF, under which taxpayer need to upload the invoices of B2B and CDNR on the monthly basis to overcome the consequences which can be faced during filing the GSTR3b quarterly.

The option of the QRMP (Quarterly return of GSTR 3b) has been already available on the common GST portal and it is totally optional and can be availed on the basis of GSTIN of the taxpayer.

How to Select an Option for the QRMP Scheme?

A registered person who is willing to file GSTR-3b on a quarterly basis should let the govt know between the 1st of the second month of the previous quarter to the last day of the first month of the current quarter for which the option is being selected.

Suppose: If Ram wishes to file GSTR- 3b on a quarterly basis for the quarter of Jan-Mar21, then he should opt for the same between 1st November 2020 and 31st January 2021.

And, if once the taxpayer has opted for the quarterly filling, then an individual needs to continue his return on the quarterly basis only for all the future tax periods, but can only change in the exceptional situation as follows:

  1. If the aggregate turnover of the taxpayer exceeds Rs 5 crore in any quarter then the taxpayer will become ineligible for the QRMP scheme.
  2. A registered person will not be eligible for the QRMP scheme if he had opted for the scheme not between the defined period by the government

Ways to Make Monthly TAX Payment Under The QRMP Scheme

Monthly TAX Payment Through Fixed Sum Method (FSM)

In this method Portal can generate a pre-filled challan in the Form GST PMT-06 based on the basis past record of the taxpayer.

In the fixed sum method, the Challan of 35% of the value of the total invoice can be generated by selecting the Reason for Challan which is in turn calculated as per the following situation:

  • 35% of the tax amount will need to be paid as tax from Cash Ledger in their previous  quarter GSTR 3B return, in the case of quarterly basis; or

  • 100% of the tax amount will need to be paid as tax in their GSTR-3B return for the last month of the immediately preceding quarter, in the case of a monthly basis.

Monthly TAX Payment Through Self Assessment Method (SAM)

In this method, a taxpayer can pay the tax liability by ascertaining the tax liability on both inward and outward supplies and the required input tax credit. The taxpayer has to manually arrive at the tax liability section on the common GST portal for the current month and needs to pay the same amount in the form GST PMT-06. 

There are certain exemptions for the amount to be paid, such as –

  1. For the first month of the current quarter – If the balance in the electronic cash/credit ledger is sufficient for the tax liability of the said month the tax liability is nil.
  2. For the second month of the current quarter – If the balance in the electronic cash/credit ledger is sufficient for the aggregate tax liability for the first and second months of the quarter OR if the tax liability is nil.

It is to be noted that a registered person will be ineligible for the procedures until and unless he/she has furnished themselves for the return of the complete current tax period. 

Note: A complete tax period is a tax period where the person is being registered from the first day until the last day of the tax period.

Deemed monthly/quarterly filing of GSTR-3B

The taxpayer has to follow the above procedure before opting for the quarterly GSTR-3B. However, in the case of registered persons (having GSTN) falling in the categories specified in the table below, who have furnished their GSTR-3B return for October 2020 by 30th November 2020, it shall be recommended that they need to opt for monthly or quarterly filing as detailed below-

 S.NoNature of Registered PersonsOption to be choose
1An individual who is registered under GST and having an aggregate turnover of up to Rs.1.5 crore, until & unless they have furnished Form GSTR-1 quarterly in the current financial yearQuarterly GSTR-3B
2An individual who is registered under GST and having an aggregate turnover of up to Rs.1.5 crore, until & unless they have furnished Form GSTR-1 monthly in the current financial yearMonthly GSTR-3B
3An individual who is registered under GST and having an aggregate turnover exceeding Rs.1.5 crore and up to Rs.5 crore in the preceding financial year Quarterly GSTR-3B

The taxpayers referred in the above table (S.No 2) can change the default option for filling GSTR and opt for quarterly GSTR-3B filing but only between 5th December 2020 and 31st January 2021.

What is The Process to Submit Details of Outward Supply?

The taxpayers who have opted for the QRMP scheme can use the Invoice Furnishing Facility (IFF) which allows you to the quarterly filing of GSTR-1 but can also give you the benefit to upload their invoices every month on the common GST portal

An Individual should remember the following points before exercising the IFF option:

  • The IFF can only be exercised for the first two months of a quarter.
  • The invoices of the last month of the current quarter need to be uploaded in the GSTR-1 return only.
  • There is no requirement to upload invoices in GSTR-1 if the same has been uploaded under the IFF scheme.
  • The taxpayer has to submit the invoice details of B2B sale transactions (Both Local & Central) along with the debit and credit notes of the issued B2B invoices during the month.
  • The total net value of invoices (to be uploaded) is restricted to Rs.50 lakh per month.
  • The submitted details under the IFF scheme will be considered in the GSTR-2A, GSTR-2B, GSTR-4A or GSTR-6A of the supplier.
  • The Invoice Furnishing Facility takes effect from 01.01.2021.

State Wise Due Dates for Filing GSTR-3B


GST Registration in States and Union Territories

Due Date


Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Lakshadweep, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh

22nd of the month succeeding such quarter


Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Chandigarh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Odisha

24th of the month succeeding such quarter

What is The Late Fee Under QRMP Scheme?

Name of the Act

Late fee for every

day of delay

Late fee for every

day of delay

(in case of ‘Nil’

tax liability)










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