EPFO Special Facility : How To Avail EPFO Special Facility Online

EPFO Special Facility

EPFO Special Facility Announced By Labour Ministry

Considering COVID-19 epidemic as well as the nationwide lockdown. The Labour Ministry has allowed the members of the EPF to withdraw a portion of his retirement. To avail this special withdrawal facility, registered members can simply only log on to the EPFO ​​portal and apply for the advance withdrawal request. The withdrawal process is briefly shared below.
This special facility is provided by the government to provide financial assistance to its EPF members. As everyone knows, India was under nationwide lockdown for more than 50 days. Companies and industries have been shut down during this period, and employees are not being paid their wages properly. To expedite withdrawal requests under epidemic conditions, the pension fund will be honored within three days.

To Avail The Online Claim Services, You Need To Fulfill Certain Conditions: 

  • Your UAN should be activated before making the claim.
  • Your UAN account must be linked with your Aadhaar number and the details must be matched with the PAN card to verify it.
  • Your bank account details should already be in the UAN portal and should also be verified by the employer.

How to Withdraw PF Under Coronavirus Special Withdrawal Facility : 

1) Visit the UAN Members Portal by searching it.

2) For Sign in to your EPF account you need to fill your details like “UAN” and “Password” and after entering the captcha code click “Sign in” for login.

Fill EPFO details

3) After signing in you will be displayed all the relevant details related to your EPF account. To claim the PF, go to the top menu bar and click on the “Online Services” option and then a drop-down menu will appear, Choose “Claim (Form-31, 19 & 10C)” option to proceeding further.

Claim (Form-31, 19 & 10C)

4) After clicking on the claim option, you will be sent to a new screen, where the “Member Details” related to your EPF will be displayed. You must verify your account details by entering the last 4 digits of your bank account on the portal and then click the ‘Verify’ button to proceed further.

Member Details

5) Once you agree to the terms and conditions of EPFO, you will be redirected to the online claim page.

online claim page

6) Then a new form will be displayed to you, select “PF Advance Form 31” for “I want to apply” option in this form and then select “Outbreak of Pandemic COVID-19” option from the drop-down menu for the option of “Purpose for which advance is required”.

PF Advance Form 31

7) After choosing the reason, you need to submit the remaining details such as the total amount you want to withdraw and your address. Withdrawal limit of a person is the requested amount or 75% of your PF or your 3 months’ salary, whichever is less, it will be approved by the EPF Authority.

EPFO has provided the pandemic advance facility to its registered members. With this facility, about 4.8 crore employees who are members of EPF can benefit from this facility by withdrawing their advance PF.

As per the EPFO circular, the Indian government has declared COVID-19 as a Pandemic. In the case of a pandemic like these employees who are the members of the EPF Scheme, 1952, are eligible to receive advances under sub-para (3) of para 68L. This has been implemented from 28 March 2020.
As per the Ministry of Labour notification, EPF members who are regularly contributing to the PF scheme are eligible to withdraw their advanced PF.


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