Transition into GST- Problems and Solution


Whether July 1 or September 1, GST implementation is just a matter of time. GST is completely different from existing tax structure. Replacing more than a dozen taxes by CGST, SGST and IGST and establishing uniform tax system across the country is undoubtedly biggest tax reform ever since the independence. This landmark reform needs infrastructure and expertise from both sides, the implementing agencies and businesses.

It may not be a big issue for organizations with vast resources but it is definitely major challenge for medium and small organizations. A few days back, I went to an electric shop to purchase extension box, by looking at T-Shirt Logo, mid of our discussion the owner asked if I was from MARG. I said YES. He told that he needed our 1 hour to clear a few things of GST. I spontaneously said No problem, whenever he wants, one of our team members would be made available. He seemed to be comfortable after our discussion. Most of the small businesses are at discomfort with GST rollout. Moreover, clarity issue is adding anxiousness and confusion. The implementation of GST has two major concerns for MSMEs, those are knowledge of the new system and affordable digital technology. Adoption of digital technology seems imperative with the implementation of GST. Marg has decided to address both of these concerns.

It’s quite difficult to consult such larger audience via one to many session. Each of MSMEs needs unique and specific attention. It is beyond the current capacity available across the entire ecosystem. MSMEs not only need to adopt GST however before that most of them has to adopt IT hardware. Keeping cost Proposition in mind, adoption is going to prove costlier to them.

MSMEs and SMEs are backbone of Indian economy and primary concern of Marg Compusoft. Considering their problems, we have devised various methods to reach them with required knowledge of the new tax law. We have been running GST awareness and knowledge transfer programs ever since the Loksabha passed GST law. In September 2016 we organized biggest GST awareness road show across the country. To easily avail the SMEs ,knowledge and information about GST Marg has established 5000 GST help desks in 250 cities of the country. We are using social media and blog to educate taxpayers about GST. In collaboration with various associations we are organizing and sponsoring seminars to educate SMEs about GST. Understanding the time constraints of entrepreneurs, we are organizing webinars to online avail GST information at their own place. We are collaborating with hardware and IT Infrastructure organisation so that we may offer combo and one stop software hardware solution. Apart from aforesaid, we are doing door-to door meetings, group discussions and face-to-face interaction with MSMEs and SMEs. Additionally book your GST meeting, this is new concept by MARG ERP wherein entrepreneurs can book there individual slot to have consultation meetings.

To make GST transition successful such honest efforts, keeping the solution most affordable is the key to MARG ERP success.

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